Company Profile

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”
                                                                                                                       – Mark Twain
Since our founding in 2005, Bataan Buenalink Travel and Tours remain as the most trusted name in Bataan for all travel related services. We are committed to offering diverse services of the highest quality, combining our energy and enthusiasm, with our years of experience. Our greatest satisfaction comes in serving large numbers of satisfied clients who have experienced the joys and inspiration of travel. We are passionate to turn your travel aspirations into a reality.
Our staff of dedicated travel experts are always ready to assist you from planning your travels to booking your trip. We are backed by global industry leaders who are readily available to provide support to ensure that your travel experience is the best travel experience.  No wonder, we are trusted by more government agencies, educational institutions, non-profit organizations and individual travellers in Bataan.
2012 marks a new chapter as we broaden our horizon to meet the demands of the new age. We look forward to serving more clients, not just in Bataan but throughout Luzon, the Philippines and even beyond. As we respond to the needs of travelers now, we are also anticipating the demands for the future. With a new image and our internet presence, we are ready to take on the challenges of a very competitive, internet-age travel industry while keeping to our original mandate of providing quality customer service. By continuing to provide face-to-face interaction at our offices while serving our online customers through our website, we are providing more ways to interact and to serve the needs of clients, both existing and new, locally and worldwide.
Let us all embark together on a journey to the twenty first century. We will take you there.


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